Kyle Jankowski, LMFT
Kyle Jankowski is a Christian counselor practicing therapy for clients in the New Braunfels area. He believes in working side by side with his clients to equip and enable them to find solutions to a variety of difficulties they may be facing.
His mission is to bring about healing in the lives of those he comes in contact with. Since 2007, Kyle has counseled children and families in the school setting through in-school programs, as well as in private practice. During this time, he worked with students and families on issues such as anger management, depression, coping with divorce, parent/child conflict, coping with ADHD, school behavior problems, social skills, and more. Kyle also has extensive training and experience in helping couples heal their broken relationships, and does offer marriage therapy too.
Kyle Jankowski is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and graduate from Abilene Christian University with a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and an undergraduate degree in Youth and Family Ministry. Kyle has been married to his wife since 2005. Kyle is the father of four. They have been blessed with three wonderful boys, then in 2020 their baby girl joined their family. Kyle’s wife, Amber, homeschools their children as well.
Kyle enjoys being active at church, watching his kids play sports and piano. His interest and hobbies include keeping salt water fish, camping, fishing, snorkeling, and kayaking.